Experiences of deaf students in Basic Education: from dependence to autonomy

dalla dipendenza all'autonomia





Qualitative research, Educational inclusion, Deaf


This research has a qualitative nature and, through the application of Grounded Theory (GT) – in Strauss and Corbin's perspective – aims to analyze the perceptions of deaf students about their schooling process when narrating their experiences in Basic Education. This investigation it's justified considering that, in Brazil, there are laws and public policies that recognize the linguistic right of the deaf population to access Brazilian sign language (BSL) and to access bilingual education, although there are still barriers and difficulties for the deaf people have access to quality education, for instance, the lack of curriculum and pedagogical practices contextualized with their special educational needs. Reports from four deaf people, aged between 20 and 25, were collected from conversation circles held in 2019, promoted by the Núcleo de Educação e Diversidade na Amazônia/NEDAM-UFRA, at Belém-PA. About the results, the macro categories 'Schools and learning perspectives', 'Filling the learning gaps', and 'From dependence to the search for autonomy' were obtained to explain the 'Experience of the deaf in Basic Education' phenomenon. The data reveal regular school as the environment where the greatest difficulties were experienced by deaf students, which the type of accessibility offered was decisive for the creation of strategies. A large part of the difficulties affected the students' contact with BSL, the learning of the Portuguese, and affected the autonomy and independence of these persons – also had an impact on their identity formation.


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Author Biographies

Higor Pereira de Brito, Federal Rural University of Amazonia

Graduating in Letras Libras at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA). Researcher interested in the areas of deaf education, description of the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) and methodologies with an emphasis on accessibility and technology. I am a member of the Research Group on Education and Diversity in the Amazon (GEDAM).

Hilda Rosa Moraes de Freitas Rosário, Federal Rural University of Amazonia

Adjunct Professor III at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA), based at the Cyberspace Institute (ICIBE) and vice-leader of the Research Group on Education and Diversity in the Amazon (GEDAM). PhD from the Postgraduate Program in Behavior Theory and Research (2017). She holds a degree in Pedagogy from the University of the State of Pará (2004), a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the Federal University of Pará (2009) and a Psychologist from the Federal University of Pará (2012) with a Specialization in Management and Teaching in Higher Education, from the University of the Amazon (2012). 2007) and Master's Degree in Behavior Theory and Research from the Behavioral Theory and Research Nucleus, Federal University of Pará (2009). She has experience in the fields of Educational Inclusion, Educational and Developmental Psychology, Animal-Assisted Interventions and Qualitative Research (Grounded Theory).


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How to Cite

Pereira de Brito, H. P. de, & Moraes de Freitas Rosário, H. R. M. de F. (2023). Experiences of deaf students in Basic Education: from dependence to autonomy: dalla dipendenza all’autonomia. Special Education Magazine, 36(1), e39/1–25. https://doi.org/10.5902/1984686X71509