Codas' bilingual growth: childhood memories in school
Codas, Identity, SchoolAbstract
The article aims to identify the identity marks of hearing children of deaf parents - Codas, as bilingual and bicultural subjects, who settle in school. This is an excerpt of the statements produced from a doctoral research in the area of Education, in the researcher's meeting with four Codas, from different Brazilian states. The method used in the production of data is anchored in the conception of the biographical-narrative methodology, with its analysis and discussion being organized into meaning cores. The investigation evidenced identity marks that constitute the singularity of the researched subjects. In the light of Bakhtinian studies, the materiality of the apprehension of the object of analysis outlines the formation of the Codas being through alterity, on the border of two languages and cultures of different social prestige, in their memories of/in school. However, the identity contours circumscribe statements of an “early adult world” that focuses on childhood, outside the school walls. Such aspects invite education professionals to reflect on other meanings, in the time and space of the experiences of those who recognize themselves or not, in the visuality of sign language with their deaf parents.
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