Teachers’ education and the promotion of communicative competence of deaf students





Teacher education, communicative competence, deaf education.


The improvement of deaf students’ education in the inclusive school context requires the teacher’s formation regarding strategies to promote the communicative competence of their students.  The objective of de research is to improve the strategies of a  teacher in an inclusive school in Brazil through teacher training seeking to promote the communication competence of her studentes. The participants are the three deaf students in kindergarten. The instruments used are 1)  a digital app EVALOE-SSD for the formation, and 2) a final assessment questionnarie. During four months the teacher used the app to self-evaluate her classes, make decisions and introduce changes in her teaching practices. During the same period, the investigation team made three classroom observations and evaluated with the same app. The results show that the formation was challenging to the teacher, with improvements in her teaching practices and in the communicative competence of the deaf children in sign language. There were implications pointed out about the initial formation of bilingual teachers for deaf.


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Author Biographies

Marta Gràcia, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona

Profesora doctora en la Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, España.

Cristina Broglia Feitosa de Lacerda, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, São Paulo

Profesora doctora em la Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Gràcia, M., & Lacerda, C. B. F. de. (2020). Teachers’ education and the promotion of communicative competence of deaf students. Special Education Magazine, 33, e66/ 1–20. https://doi.org/10.5902/1984686X48495



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