Developing creativity in gifted and non-gifted students through English language supplementation
Giftedness, Creativity, English language.Abstract
Currently in Brazil, there are only few students identified with giftedness and even more problematic is offering enrichment activities to this public related to areas of their interest. Therefore, it was decided to carry out a supplementation program for gifted children who showed interest in learning English. This program was created with the objective of developing not only language but also the creativity of the participants. Non-gifted students with the same characteristics of the first group enrolled the project, totaling 12 participants, six boys and six girls. The research was carried out during the second semester of 2015 aiming to verify the development of creativity before and after the supplementation program and to compare the performance of the groups in order to analyze the intervention. Data was obtained through ten meetings of intervention and two for the creativity test (Teste de Criatividade Figural Infantil – TCFI). The results showed that the intervention program developed three of the five factors evaluated by the test, with statistical significance in the general comparison of students: Enrichment of ideas, Cognitive aspects and General Factor, with difference between the factors for gifted and non-gifted group results. Thus it was observed that providing an enriching environment benefited the development of the creativity of all those involved in the process in different ways.
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