Disability inclusion in the labor market: a choice to monitor


  • Priscila Turchiello Instituto Federal Farroupilha
  • Fernanda de Camargo Machado Instituto Federal Farroupilha




Inclusion, Disabled, Labor market.


The study has as the mainly purpose the disability inclusion choice, specifically, in the labor market. So, it is proposed to understand how the specific actions have been mobilized to encourage the personal choice to participate, justice and guarantee rights of disabled people exclusion in our society. Therefore, to analyze some inclusion practices accomplished with a visually impaired, as part of a degree course. From the conceptual and methodological notion of "governmentality," Michel Foucault, the research showed how it has been built “capture network” of disabled people, with the purpose to persuade accomplishing the “better choice”, namely the inclusion option in the labor market. The study turned possible to visualize the establishment of a set of micro-practices, in a way to keep an available options list, although all conduce to the same goal: to motivate the role of the subject in the search for their own inclusion.


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How to Cite

Turchiello, P., & Machado, F. de C. (2015). Disability inclusion in the labor market: a choice to monitor. Special Education Magazine, 28(53), 583–594. https://doi.org/10.5902/1984686X18810



Dossier: Difference, education and culture