How to enhance grafting in <i>Eucalyptus grandis</i> Hill ex Maiden for the cloning of superior genotypes?




Vegetative propagation, Grafting pliers, Cleft grafting, Genetic improvement, Silviculture


Grafting is a vegetative propagation technique used for forest genetic improvement. It involves the multiplication of selected matrices to produce improved seeds. In this study, we evaluated three grafting techniques for Eucalyptus grandis. The experiment was conducted using a completely randomized design, analyzing the techniques of cleft grafting with grafting pliers, bark grafting, and cleft grafting with a grafting knife. The technique with grafting pliers showed 50% establishment, superior to bark grafting (33.3%) and grafting using a knife (33.3%). The shoot length was significantly greater when using pliers (9.9 cm) and bark grafting (4.9 cm) than when using a grafting knife (2.6 cm). We conclude that the cleft grafting technique with pliers is the most suitable for this species due to operational practicality.


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Author Biographies

Hendrick da Costa de Souza, Federal University of Santa Maria

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil

Forestry Engineer, M.Sc. in Forestry Engineering

Ezequiel Gasparin, Federal University of Santa Maria

He holds a bachelor's and master's degree in Forestry Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), a PhD in Forestry Engineering from the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), with a sandwich PhD period at Wageningen University (Netherlands). He is currently an adjunct professor in the Department of Forestry Sciences and a lecturer in the Graduate Program in Forestry Engineering (PPGEF) at UFSM.

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Pedro Lopes Trevisan, Federal University of Santa Maria

Graduated in Forest Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Maria. He has experience in Forestry and Forest Management.

Claudia Costella, Federal University of Santa Maria

Forest Engineer, Master in Forest Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria campus. She is currently a PhD student in the Graduate Program in Forestry Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Maria (PPGEF-UFSM), where she conducts research focusing on seeds, seedling production and forest formation.

Maristela Machado Araujo, Federal University of Santa Maria

She has a degree in Forest Engineering (1996) and a master's degree in Forest Sciences (1998) from the Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias do Pará, a doctorate in Forest Engineering from the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2002) and a post-doctorate in Forest Conservation from the University of Florida (2004). Full Professor, Federal University of Santa Maria, working in the area of Forestry.


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How to Cite

Souza, H. da C. de, Gasparin, E., Trevisan, P. L., Costella, C., & Araujo, M. M. (2025). How to enhance grafting in <i>Eucalyptus grandis</i> Hill ex Maiden for the cloning of superior genotypes?. Ciência Florestal, 35, e86000.

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