
  • Luciana Maria de Barros Francez Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • João Olegário Pereira de Carvalho
  • Fábio de Jesus Batista
  • Fernando Cristóvam da Silva Jardim
  • Edson Marcos Leal Soares Ramos




forest dynamics, monitoring forest, permanent sample plots, canopy gaps.



The influence of reduced impact logging were evaluated on the growth phases of a terra firme forest in theParagominas region, state of Pará, that was logged considering two intensities of timber harvesting. Datawere collected in 36 permanent sample plots (0.25ha) randomly distributed among treatments (T1 – Loggedforest, harvesting the stem of commercial trees; T2 – Logged forest, harvesting the stem and coarse woodydebris) and control (T0 unlogged forest). Three growth phases of the forest were considered: mature (DBH> 40cm); building forest (10cm < DBH < 40cm); and gaps (occurrence of a canopy gap and a few or notree with DBH > 10cm). The homogeneity of variances of sub-plots between treatments, growth phasesand years was tested by the Bonferroni test, according to the statistics of Bartlett and Levene. An analysisof variance was applied on the number of sub-plots by phases, years and treatments at a 0.005 significancelevel. The Tukey test was applied for analyzing the interaction between the phases and years. Before loggingthe percentage of growth phases were: 57.0% building forest, 38.9% mature forest and 4.1% canopy gaps.Logging reduced the areas of mature forest and building forest, increasing the number of canopy gaps, butthis increase had no statistical difference. One year after logging the area of mature forest (38.4%) andbuilding forest (53.1%) increased while the areas of gaps (8.4%) decreased. Three years after logging thepercentage of mature forest (37.1%), building forest (57.9%) and gaps (5.0%) were similar to those foundbefore logging. The forest growth phases were not influenced by logging, over the study period. The studyforest showed that it is able to grow, closing the canopy gaps, even in a short period of time.


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How to Cite

Francez, L. M. de B., Carvalho, J. O. P. de, Batista, F. de J., Jardim, F. C. da S., & Ramos, E. M. L. S. (2013). EFFECTS OF THE REDUCED IMPACT LOGGING ON THE GROWTH PHASES OF A TERRA FIRME FOREST IN THE STATE OF PARÁ, BRAZIL. Ciência Florestal, 23(4), 743–753. https://doi.org/10.5902/1980509812358




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