Monitoramento de voçorocas em solos podzóllcos da região de Rondonópolls-MT
The objective of this paper is to present the ravine and voçorocas in monitorings done in podzolic soils in the region of Rondonópolis - Mato Grosso - Brazil. The ravines and voçorocas were monitored in an area of 25.500 m2 in the county of Rondonópolis , in a section of concave slope with approximately 23% of declivity. This declivity can be found in a ramp of 174 meters located on the left bank of the Jurigue River. The work was done in a period of one year, covering a dry period and a rainy. It presents considerations related to the physical atmosphere of the region and of the area. These considerations observed aspects, such as: geology, geomorphology, vegetation and climate.Downloads
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