Análise das feições de dissecação do relevo na folha topográfica de São Pedro do Sul - RS
The investigation purpose was to observe, to localize, to analyse and to catalogue the different kinds of relieve, with its area and spacial distribution, based on the relieve dissection indexes of the São Pedro do Sul-RS topographic map, using the metodology first formulated by RADAMBRASIL PROJECT (1986) and after adapted by ROSS (1992 and 1996), to the relieve dissection study. The metodology was adapted to the survey scale (1:50000) and was shawed as efficient to these types of studies. It basically consider the interfluvial dimension and the fluvial channels carving degree. The study area is located on two distincts parts: the Central Depression of the Rio Grande do Sul and the edge Rio Grande do Sul Central Depression and the Brazilian Meridional Tableland edge. The first part has mainly areas with a plane os smooth wavy and the second part with strong slope and rugged. The areas observed with less dissection degree are situated mainly at the Central Depression part, whereas the sectors that shows a bitter dissection degree are located at the tableland edge. The results obtained shows that the area has predominantly medium to weak dissection indexes.Downloads
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