Algorithms, Gender, Google, Safiya NobleAbstract
The present work is based on the approach around the privileged theme of algorithms, in line with the problem of knowing: how do the algorithms create conditions of unequal exposure to discriminatory situations marked by race and gender markers? The objective of the work is, therefore, to demonstrate the way in which the algorithms operate contemporaneously, notably the terms in which they express biases of race and gender. Conceiving the algorithmic device that manages multiplicities in an exhibition-type society, it addresses a specific case study, to explore the particularities that it articulates in its surroundings. The case study focuses on one of the largest and most powerful Internet companies of today, Google, seeking to understand the discriminative logics engendered by the information classification algorithms in its commercial search engine. Through the analyzed content, it is noticed that the algorithmic logic supports and is supported by social, political-efficient and technological forms that articulate new punitive practices.
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