Ears in transit: urban interventions in teacher’s learning processes





Urban intervention, Teacher’s learning, Displacement


The project called “Ears in transit” explored immersive experiences in city spaces, trusting on displacements, collectivity and listening as tools to discuss teacher’s learning processes along with the heterogeneous accents, bodies and knowledges that inhabit the city. After visits destined to contact and to map, conversations and interviews were held with residents and commerce workers, along with propositions of participatory urban artistic interventions. Such interventions were related to subjectivities, memories and social themes that were raised from encounters with urban flows, causing formative contents to emerge from the experiences with the city’s residents. Part of the process was the production of fanzines and affective diaries through which we discussed collaborative forms of seeing, hearing, researching and producing, all of them constituting a knowledge field for a teaching that is open to the contingencies of the inhabited contexts. From the child to the elderly, from the stallholder to the trader, from the homeless to the condominium dweller, the ears of the teachers in formation transited through multiple forms of knowledge that make the teacher’s learning a journey that is constant and permeated by the unexpected.


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Author Biography

Tamiris Vaz, Federal University of Uberlândia

Doutora em Arte e Cultura Visual pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (GO), Mestra em Educação e Licenciada em Artes Visuais pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (RS). Pesquisadora, artista visual e professora do curso de Artes Visuais na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (MG). Líder do Uivo: matilha de estudos em criação, arte e vida.


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How to Cite

Vaz, T. (2023). Ears in transit: urban interventions in teacher’s learning processes. Revista Digital Do LAV, 16(1), e20/1–17. https://doi.org/10.5902/1983734884732



Dossiê – Caminhar e habitar: arte e educação no espaço urbano