#EleNão movement: acknowledgement and affirmation of women’s speech in politics
Women, Speech, Acknowledgment.Abstract
The focus of this paper is to discuss the emergence of Brazilian women’s voices in contemporaneity – from the condition of silence and inferiorization of “subalterns”, to the disruptions and, consequently, speeches and manifestations in both digital networks and the streets. In this paper, we propose a debate on the following questions: How has the passage from women’s silence to their speech in public spaces occurred? From which conditions? We used #EleNão (2018) movement as our corpus for analysis. The Foucauldian perspective of discursive event inspired the theoretical-methodological path for analysis. From the analyses, we can highlight that #EleNão movement has re-updated the struggle for acknowledgement of the other in politics – She. #EleNão has emerged as politics of performativity, bodily and gestural actions of resistance, and display of the right to speak, to appear in the sense of existing, to fight against the precariousness of existences. #EleNão has produced meanings of political action in the Brazilian social imagery, that is, it has repositioned a kind of leave from women’s condition as voiceless subaltern beings. #EleNão has become a space to problematize/think about feminism in the interstices of its equalities and differences in the field of gender relations.
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