Challenges of environmental education in schools municipal city of Caçador – SC
Teaching, Transdisciplinarity, SustainabilityAbstract
The growing questions about how humans are interacting with the environment, suggests that our actions are piling up in worrying environmental problems. Awakening environmental awareness in society is something essential, however, know how to treat this issue is as or more important. Accordingly, a diagnosis was made by means of a questionnaire, to ascertain how the public schools of the city of Caçador - SC Environmental Education work, and what the main difficulties are. The application “in loco” of the questionnaire was accompanied by a visitation on school in order to know the context in which they are embedded. It was shown that E. A. faces numerous challenges, from interpretation of its meaning and application to problems of infrastructure of schools and training of teachers. For the effectuation of E. A. in schools is necessary, above all, empower educators, since the work of environmental education requires much knowledge, persistence and demand constant stimulation activities, to consolidate a quality education.
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