Environmental education in the area of land in the city of adjustment Curitiba, Paraná
Land regularization, Environmental education, Irregular occupationsAbstract
The concern with the environmental problems currently faced by humanity is notorious. Themarked population growth and the problems that arise from the lack of urban planning arereflected in irregular occupations, usually in permanent preservation areas. The RegularizationProject of the Public Housing Company of Curitiba, which is part of the Accelerate Growth Projectof the Federal Government, removes slum families and relocates them to decent homes, withlight, water, sewage and garbage collection services. Environmental technicians performedenvironmental education activities to inform and encourage residents to conserve theenvironment, establishing hygiene standards and increasing the quality of community life. Thisstudy aimed the examination of the environmental education guidelines contained in the SocialWork Action Plans, part of the COHAB-CT Municipal Regularization Plan for permanentpreservation areas. The Regularization Plan equivalence with the social-environmental reality ofthe relocated residents was also evaluated. In order to verify the community profile, documentaryanalysis for each project plans and qualitative data collection of selected areas were performed.Preliminary results were satisfactory, although most projects are still ongoing. Selected familieshave been shown to be concerned and awareness with the environmental issues, willing to changetheir daily habits in order to improve their quality of life. In relation to the environmentaleducation guidelines of the plan, it was verify the need of some adjustment to the reality of eachcommunity.Downloads
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