Historical approach of a small forest utilized for environmental conservation in Dourados municipality, MS
Environmental Education, CESMAR, Nature conservationAbstract
The Environmental Education is essential in the process of human consciousness in relation to theneed of individual or group habits changing, and in the searching of solutions to decreaseenvironmental problems. This study was performed on Marist Social and Educational Center(CESMAR), located in João Paulo II Community, in the city of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul state.This study aims the description of the cultural aspects and ecological conscience perception. Thecontribution of the Marist’s Brothers to the protection of the forest on the researched area wasevaluated through the search of the local community historical memory. We analyzed theproblems of the studied area by the use of quantitative-qualitative approach with semi-structuredinterviews and questionnaires, involving people from community and students from CESMAR.Downloads
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