Perception of practical classes output and its contribution in science education process in Municipal School Maria Villany Delmondes Jaciara-MT
Practical classes, Science education, Teacher educationAbstract
This study aimed to ascertain the frequency of conducting practical classes in the discipline of sciences in the final years of elementary school, trying to understand the potential and difficulties regarding this practice, later to propose the holding of these classes differentiated with available materials or easily obtainable in school field. The methodology used was the case study and data collection was questionnaire that the professors. The research took place at the Municipal School Maria Villany Delmondes located in the city of Jaciara-MT. For data collection were questionnaires to teachers to analyze the frequency using this resource and the perception that they have of the importance of the practical lessons. Then during the regency stage questionnaires were prepared containing five questions of the content that was being worked on and were applied to students (poll-1) to ascertain the knowledge by the addressed theoretical content and then compare them with (poll-2) even questionnaire after using practical classes of the same content taught above. He sought to understand that way the reality of teachers and actually carrying out these lessons can contribute to student learning teaching process in science education.Downloads
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