The spiribol in the public schools from Sombrio/SC city: the collective memory in movement


  • Bruna Toretti De Fáveri Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC)
  • Bruno Dandolini Colombo Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC)



Espiribol. Educação Física. Escola. Cultura Corporal.


The article aimed to understand how the insertion of the Espiribol in the public schools of Sombrio /SC was and how this Corporal Culture activity is approached in the Physical Education classes, currently, from this municipality. The research was the field one, in which interviews were conducted with four retired Physical Education teachers and ten teachers who teach nowadays. It was verified that the Espiribol has been inserted in the schools from Sombrio/SC since the decade of 70’s. At the moment it is considered in the schools as it was recreation, but in the Physical Education Classes the activity is not treated as Corporal Culture content.


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How to Cite

De Fáveri, B. T., & Colombo, B. D. (2020). The spiribol in the public schools from Sombrio/SC city: the collective memory in movement. Kinesis, 38.



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