Environmental Education and Field Education in Municipal Rural Schools in a protected area of Manancial





Education, Field Education, Environmental education


This article presents an analysis of the results of a Doctoral Thesis, defended in 2017, in the Postgraduate Program in Education – Masters and Doctorate at Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, entitled “Environmental education and field education: the work of the pedagogical coordinator in a public school located in an environmental protection area”. The object of study was the work of the Pedagogical Coordinator related to Environmental Education, in a municipal public school located in the countryside and in an Environmental Protection Area (APA) of a spring, in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba (RMC). The general objective of the present work is to analyze the results achieved in the stated research and its propositions. As specific objectives, the following were outlined: to present the research results and their propositions; evaluate the scenario researched in its advances and setbacks; enunciate the research carried out following the process in order to expand the knowledge of the researched reality. In the end, it is clear that Environmental Education and Field Education must be articulated, given the favorable scenario to position itself in favor of something new, which does not ignore the hegemonic impositions, but which is placed in the resistance in the sense of thinking a differentiated reality, in which the relationship between human beings and nature are intertwined and dependent on each other.


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How to Cite

Luiz Buczenko, G. L., & Arlete Rosa, M. A. (2022). Environmental Education and Field Education in Municipal Rural Schools in a protected area of Manancial. Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa, 26, e6. https://doi.org/10.5902/2236499473482



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