Practice of sociopedagogical conflicts in a Multifunctional Resource Room for High Ability/Giftdness
High Ability/Giftdness, Cooperative environment, Piaget.Abstract
Students with High Ability/Giftdness, are recognized by differentiated behaviors related to above average ability, creativity, and involvement with the task. Considering the need to promote social interaction, the aim of this article is to analyze a practice of socio-educational conflict discussion, carried out with students who have High Ability/Giftdness, in the multipurpose resource room. Ability/Giftdness in the multipurpose resource room, in order to promote social interaction. This is exploratory research developed through an intervention proposal, based on socio-pedagogical conflicts, from the Piagetian theory. The participants were two students with High Ability/Giftdness, enrolled in the multipurpose resource room for high abilities/super ability and, final years of elementary school. The results showed that, the discussion of socio-pedagogical conflicts, promoted the involvement and interaction among students. The study concluded that it is essential to develop pedagogical practices aimed at the social interaction of students with High Ability/Giftdness can be active agents, bringing their conflicts to be discussed in the classroom and building with them, quality social interaction.Downloads
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