Between “Two Worlds”: The Living Experience of the CODA
deafness, family, deaf cultureAbstract
The initials CODA were made to designate the children of deaf adults, an abbreviation form to the term in english “children of deaf adults”. Those are people that move between “two worlds”, they live their experiences in the deaf world in their relationships with the deaf culture and the deaf community. Also, when they communicate using sign language at the same time they live with the habits, people and languages of the hearing world that exert a possible cultural mediation in these communities. The objective of this article is to understand the living world (Lebenswelt) of the CODA subject that lives with distinct characteristics, inside the hearing world and the deaf world. This research is qualitative, it reveals aspects related to the reality of the subjects and their social relations, addressing identity and cultural issues. Based on the phenomenological method, inspired by Merleau-Ponty, in the period of february until june 2019, we conducted a data collection and its analysis based on semistructured interviews with four CODA participants. The data analysis was made based on the following steps: Native text division; descriptive analysis and “leaving the parenthesis”. It was established as categories for analysis: the responsibility of being CODA and the experience between two worlds. It is understood that the experience before the living world of a CODA is crossed both by a common place of being CODA as by a singular experience. It was concluded that there is no way to separate the experience lived by the CODA subject in a hearing world and the deaf world, because he exists between these two worlds.
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