The education of the Deaf as a key domain of Language Policies for Brazilian Sign Language: Decree nº 5.626/05 in focus
Brazilian sign language, Language policyAbstract
This paper analyzes the intersection between Language Policies and Educational Policies for deaf people in Brazil since the official recognition of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) in the country. Considering that the majority of deaf people acquires sign languages in institutions out of their familiar contexts, educational institutions turn out to be a key domain for Language Policies for sign languages. This is so for these spaces are more sensitive to management, control and standardization of values and norms concerning the language and its users. Besides, educational policy for the deaf embrace important issues around the linguistic rights of deaf people in the country. For these reasons, this work aims to analyze the Decree of regulation of the Libras Law (Decree 5,626 / 05) in order to identify the relations between the official policies for Brazilian Sign Language and education of the Deaf in the country. Based on theoretical-methodological references of Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 1992, 2003; VAN LEEUWEN, 2008), the analysis showed how the Decree concealed different approaches to education of the Deaf that were on dispute at the time, bringing educational practices to the center of the official language management for Libras. It was evident a struggle over meanings concerning bilingual education and inclusion in the attempt of establishing a consensus over legitimate ways of perceiving, conceiving and recognizing the education of the deaf in Brazil.
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