Narratives of teachers and pedagogues on disability: implications for access to the school curriculum
Special Education, Curriculum, Continuing Education.Abstract
Teachers and pedagogues’ narratives have indicated clues to understanding about how students with deficiency have been means and how theses meanings are producing barriers to accessing the school curriculum. The critical reflection of these narratives has pointed possibilities for the teachers to review their positions on the schooling of students, potentializing teachers' know-how and pedagogical practices. The objective of this study was to problematize the way in which the teachers of education have been signifying the ways of being/being of students with the deficiency in the regular school, which has implications in the access to the knowledge. This study was constituted as a field research, carried out in a primary school of Vila Velha-ES, based on the presuppositions of collaborative-critical action research. The research process is organized through four fronts of work: a) observation of school daily to capture as teachers' narratives; b) organization of moments of continuous formation for critical reflection of narrative; c) collaborative actions between researchers and teachers in the classroom; d) interviews with the subjects involved. It concluded that, within the school, relationships that are found in society are also reproduced, reaffirming the processes of exclusion of subjects that do not conform to normal behavior patterns. On the other hand, the critical debate about teachers' narratives and the investment in continuing formation can contribute to overcoming exclusionary practices and to the re-signification of students with deficiency, favoring learning and involvement in school curricula.
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