
  • Helio Tonini UFSM
  • César Augusto Guimarães Finger
  • Paulo Renato Schneider
  • Peter Spathelf



Pinus elliottii, site index, height growth.


Dominant height growth of Pinus elliottii was analized in four stands at ages between 18 and 21 years old on three mapping soil units in the southeastern mountain region and coastal plains of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Dominant height and age data were fitted  using the Richards function. The site index curves, which were established for each locality, indicated that there was no difference in growth between the localities. This allowed to group all the curves to a unique system of 9 monomorphic curves for the site index between 6 and 30 m at the reference age of 18 years old.


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How to Cite

Tonini, H., Finger, C. A. G., Schneider, P. R., & Spathelf, P. (2005). SITE INDEX FOR Pinus elliottii Engelm, IN THREE SOIL MAPPING UNITS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN MOUNTAIN RANGE AND COASTAL PLAIN AT RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL. Ciência Florestal, 12(2), 61–73.




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