Does trees origins climate condition affect fungi incidence and seeds quality of <i>Pityrocarpa moniliformis</i>?
Seed pathology, Physiological quality, Forest seedsAbstract
The fungi presence during seed maturation and dispersion is related to biotic and abiotic factors. These microorganisms can cause loss seeds physiological quality in unfavorable climatic conditions. We hypothesize that sanitary quality of seeds produced is affected by tree and origin climatic condition. The aim was evaluated fungi incidence and seeds quality of Pityrocarpa moniliformis from different trees and two climatic conditions (Aw: rainy tropical; and BSh: warm semiarid). We collected seeds from 28 parent trees, evaluating separately the physiological and sanitary quality of the seeds produced in each tree. Different trees originated seeds with differences in physiological quality and fungi incidence. The climatic condition of the trees' origin affected the amount and fungi species present in the seeds produced, with a predominant incidence of the genera Alternaria spp., Aspergillus spp., Botrytis spp., Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp. and Rhyzopus sp. The Alternaria spp. incidence is correlated with seeds of low physiological quality. Therefore, we conclude that Pityrocarpa moniliformis trees under a tropical rainy climate produce seeds with superior physiological and sanitary quality compared to those located in a warm semiarid climate.
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