Pinus taeda, growth, yield.Abstract
The objective of this study was to structurate the yield of Pinus taeda L. forest, located at the country municipality of Cambará do Sul, RS, according to age, potential of sites and applied management. Data was collected from temporary and permanent parcels and from the trunk analysis. Mathematic equations were used to estimate the development of the remaining populations after thinning and the K-Magin factor was used to rectify the thinning volume,varying from 0.76 to 0.78. The results grouped in yield tables for the sites 16 to 28 showed a volume of 243.7 m3/ha and 911.0 m3/ha, respectivelly, for the age of 16 years old. The average annual growth at this age, considering the cut age employed by the company reached 15.23 m3/ha/year for the site index 16 and 56,97 m3 /ha for the site index 28. The results also showed the yield loss due to early thinnings in poor sites and late thinnings in good sites.
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