
  • Paula Iaschitzki Ferreira
  • Giovani Festa Paludo
  • Camila Lucas Chaves
  • Roseli Lopes da Costa Bortoluzzi
  • Adelar Mantovani



Araucaria Forest, natural regeneration, Areas of Permanent Preservation.


Forest fragmentation and the use of landscape matrices by agricultural and forest cultures can change the species composition such that these will no longer reflect the structure of the native forests. Thus, fragments can lose their potential to provide propagules for restoration once they lose species, or when its structure is changed due to fragmentation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of a network of remnant forest fragments formed ±60 years ago on a farm to act as a propagule source for a natural regeneration process. The study area belongs to the Ombrophilous Mixed Forest (FOM) formation and is used in the production of exotic forest species. The 798 ha area is located in the Ponte Alta (SC) municipality. Data from phytosociological surveys of this formation were used for comparison, using curves based on the individual rarefaction, distribution of the six most abundant species, proportion of species and zoochoric individual, and similarity analysis in between different areas. The forest fragment showed compatible species richness and at certain times higher than can be found in other FOM situations. Mimosa scabrella was the most abundant species differing from other surveys. The amount of species with zoochoric dispersion mechanisms was similar to what was expected of FOM formations, however, the quantity of zoochoric individuals was below expected. The results indicate that the fragments show potential to act as propagule sources in the restoration process within the farm areas. Nonetheless, the capacity can be rather limited once the fragments show some different characteristics of other Araucaria’s forests.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, P. I., Paludo, G. F., Chaves, C. L., Bortoluzzi, R. L. da C., & Mantovani, A. (2017). THE POTENTIAL OF FOREST FRAGMENTS WITHIN EXOTIC FORESTS FOR THE RESTORATION OF FORESTS WITH ARAUCARIA. Ciência Florestal, 27(3), 1049–1060.



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