Serra do Sudeste, Araucaria angustifoia, increment.Abstract
This research aims at analyzing the growth in volume of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze in the region of Serra do Sudeste (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) and also proposing a growth equation in volume. Data were obtained by trunk analysis, considering, firstly, transverse sections of trees at 0.10 and 1.30 m heigths; after-words, the measurement taken into accoumt was 2.0 in 2.0 m height. Such trees were cut in natural settlements, having resulted the volume per age. The wirk demonstrated that species in this area has significant increments, reaching, after 60 years, a volume eithout bark of 0.6866 m³, with an annual average increament in volume without bark of of 0.01585 m³/year.
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