PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND ENERGETIC EVALUATION OF WOOD FROM THE SPECIES <i>Piptadenia stipulacea </i>(Benth.) Duckeand<i> Amburana cearensis</i> (Allemao) A. C. Smith IN A SEMI-ARID REGION IN NORTHEAST BRAZIL


  • Antonio Marcos César de Almeida
  • Elisabeth de Oliveira
  • Leandro Calegari
  • Pedro Nicó de Medeiros Medeiros Neto
  • Alexandre Santos Pimenta



Cumaru, Jurema Branca, charcoal quality, density.


‘Caatinga’ is an exclusive Brazilian biome, which features a wide variety of fauna and flora, and a good part of these are endemic varieties. Over the years, the abolition of ‘Caatinga’ by human activities has greatly reduced this biome. This fact is mainly due to the use of the energy potential of plant species without proper concern about the sustainability of it. A better understanding of the energy potential of plant species of ‘Caatinga’ enables a more appropriate management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential energy and the physical and chemical characteristics of wood species Amburana cearensis (Germans) A. C. Smith and Piptadenia stipulacea (Benth.) Ducke. Five trees of each species were felled, randomly sampled in ‘São Bento’ site, located in the city of Patos, Paraíba state. The trees were identified and transported to the Department of Forest Product Technology, Federal University of Campina Grande. From each tree, small discs were removed (5 cm thick) to 0 (base), 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the commercial height of the trunk (up to 5 cm in diameter) and large disks (15 cm thick) before and after each small disk, the small discs were divided into four parts, wedge-shaped, passing through the medulla. Two opposing wedges were used to determine the density and the rest was reserved for the physical and chemical wood analyses and the wood discs were destined for greater achievements of carbonizations. Basic density was determined according to the method of hydrostatic balance and to determine the basic density of each tree used as a weighting factor the volume between sections of each disk. After air drying, the samples for chemical analysis were transformed into sawdust and made quantitative determinations of total extractives, lignin, ash and holocellulose content was estimated by difference from the initial mass [100% - (content total extractives + lignin + ash)]. Samples intended for carbonizations were transformed into chips, and charred in an electric furnace (furnace) for 5 hours and 30 minutes. The income from the carbonization products as well as the physical and chemical properties of charcoal were determined. Averages significantly higher than 1% probability of lignin, holocellulose content, total extractives and ash wood were found for the species Amburana cearensis and Piptadenia stipulacea, and this latter had higher average lignin content and holocellulose content. The gravimetric yield was similar for both species, while the condensed liquid yield was significantly higher for Amburana cearensis. In relation to coal quality, higher values were observed for gross calorific value and fixed carbon for Piptadenia stipulacea, while Amburana cearensis exhibited higher levels of volatiles and ash.


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How to Cite

Almeida, A. M. C. de, Oliveira, E. de, Calegari, L., Medeiros Neto, P. N. de M., & Pimenta, A. S. (2015). PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND ENERGETIC EVALUATION OF WOOD FROM THE SPECIES <i>Piptadenia stipulacea </i>(Benth.) Duckeand<i> Amburana cearensis</i> (Allemao) A. C. Smith IN A SEMI-ARID REGION IN NORTHEAST BRAZIL. Ciência Florestal, 25(1), 165–173.




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