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Ecological burial proposal for the city of Curitiba (PR)




Cemetery, Trees, Cremation, Necrochorume


In this present work, the current issue of crowding of the public cemeteries, mainly the municipal ones, of the city of Curitiba was discussed. Given the above, the immediate counterpoint is the proposal of the cremation process. However, it believes that there exists a model that uses the positive parts of both processes, being the same alternative, harmonic and environmental with implantation of trees in their internal areas (but extended to the external areas, as an act of continuity). From the environmental point of view, the cremation does not contaminate the soil and the water table with the necrochorume and to put trees in the place of the mausoleums, taking that somber air of conventional cemeteries, is the proposal presented without hurting existing customs and traditions by peoples and religions.


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Author Biographies

Katryni Calistro Furtado Koche, IFPR - Federal Institute of Parana, Campus Curitiba, PR

Student at the undergraduate course of Technologist in Public Management at IFPR - Federal Institute of Parana, Campus Curitiba.

Thais Cristine Grein Ehrenfried, IFPR - Federal Institute of Parana, Campus Curitiba, PR

Student at the undergraduate course of Technologist in Public Management at IFPR - Federal Institute of Parana, Campus Curitiba.

Frederico Fonseca da Silva, IFPR - Federal Institute of Parana, Campus Curitiba, PR

Agricultural Engineer. Doctor in Irrigation and Environment. Researcher and Professor of IFPR - Federal Institute of Parana, Campus Curitiba.


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2020-06-05 — Updated on 2022-04-26


How to Cite

Koche, K. C. F., Ehrenfried, T. C. G., Silva, F. F. da, & Seguin, J. (2022). Ecological burial proposal for the city of Curitiba (PR). Ciência E Natura, 42, e65. (Original work published June 5, 2020)

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