Relação entre Declividade e as Ocorrências Erosivas na Área do Morro do Cerrito em Santa Maria, RS*


  • Rosa Elaine Iensen UFSM
  • Mauro Kumpfer Werlang UFSM



The object of this work was to investigate the geographical spacein the area of Cerrito hill, in Santa Maria – RS, from the relation betweenthe steepness and the erosive processes that take place in the Cerrito hill’spouring area. In order to accomplish this investigation, a correlation amongthe erosive occurrences, steepness level and concentration of fountainheads was established. An Index of Erosive Concentration (IEC) was determinedfrom the satellite images of the erosive occurrences and of the area in whichthey occurred. An Index of Concentration of Fountainheads (ICF) wasdetermined in the same way. The IEC and the ICF were defined in steepnessdegrees according to the base map suggested by De Biase (1970). Thereached results showed that a positive relation between the Concentrationof Fountainheads (ICF) and the steepness increase was established. Throughthis investigation, one can also notice that there is not an establishment inrelation to the Index of Erosive Concentration (IEC), which leads to believethat the erosive occurrences detected in the area are more intenselyconditioned by the variable of anthropic action when confronted to thevariable of steepness.


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How to Cite

Iensen, R. E., & Werlang, M. K. (2008). Relação entre Declividade e as Ocorrências Erosivas na Área do Morro do Cerrito em Santa Maria, RS*. Ciência E Natura, 30(1), 173–183.

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