Internal Bus Service Evaluation at UFSM Campus
Satisfaction survey, Exploratory analysis, Service qualityAbstract
This article presents the results of a survey about the internal bus service from UFSM, held in 2015. The survey showed the main points of satisfaction and discontent regarding the operation of the line at the time. Data were collected through an electronic Google Docs form, accessed via email, resulting in a sample of 915 students enrolled in the various undergraduate and graduate campus courses (5.3% of the population). The main results showed that 20% of respondents do not know this service and the predominance of use of the service is the daytime. Users showed greater dissatisfaction with the vehicle's internal climate control and bus condition. The items time, frequency and route of the bus, number of seats and punctuality had a high level of satisfaction. It is concluded that greater disclosure of the service and its characteristics is necessary, especially for students of night courses, and improvement in the physical condition of the vehicle.
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