A critical analysis of the application of Customer Window method in quality assessment of the University Restaurant
University Restaurant, Customer Window, Satisfaction surveyAbstract
The Costumer Window method has the main function to measure the level of importance and the degree of satisfaction with the products or services provided by the company, being a tool able to identify the weak points and powers of the company. The purpose of this paper is to present a critical analysis of the application of the method the client window in quality evaluation of University Restaurant, from Federal University of Santa Maria – RS (UFSM). The research involved 1,855 users, including students, teachers and administrative staff. The results showed that in the three units of the University Restaurant, most of the items evaluated is in Quadrant A of the Costumer Window, called "competitive force", ie, most of the items is important to the user and are attended of satisfactorily by restaurants. However, some items are in Quadrant D of the Costumer Window, called "competitive vulnerability", these items are important to the user but they are not being attended adequately. The results of this survey were forwarded to the administration of University Restaurant, which can generate subsides for the formulation of proposals to improvements (changes or adaptations) in the assessed attributes.
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