The perception of indigenous educators on the environment: the brief review
Environmental perception, Preservation, Knowledge, NatureAbstract
Environmental perception is an essential tool for understanding human behavior in relation to the environment and for planning actions that promote awareness and development of ethical and responsible positions in the place where they live. Discussions around environmental perception have been prominent in recent years. With this, the present research aims to understand the environmental perception of indigenous teachers present about the environment with their culture and education. This research is based on a qualitative approach because it is a review article. The work was carried out through descriptive and exploratory research that aims to analyze the material produced in the scientific works obtained in the platforms SCIELO, Google academic, PubMed, MEDLINE and LILACS. For the final selection of the works, readings were made on each of the publications with the intention of ascertaining the relevance of each of the studies to the guiding question. The following keyword combinations were used: environmental educators, indigenous education, perception environment and the environment. According to the search terms, it was possible to access hundreds of scientific researches, between theses, dissertations and articles. Based on the results obtained, it was verified that indigenous teachers acquire knowledge, values and actions to raise awareness about environmental issues. Given this, it is perceived that the need to build more effective projects of partnerships so that significant exchanges occur, where there is recognition and appreciation of this knowledge.
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