Contribuição ao conhecimento geológico da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre, municípios de Novo Hamburgo, São Leopoldo e Campo Bom
This paper deals with geological mapping of the metropolitan region of São Leopoldo, Novo Hamburgo and Campo Bom cities. Through the geological mapping it was possible to recognize Permian and Triassic sediments and vulcanic rocks from the Parana Basin.
The litological, textural and structural characteristics of sedimentary sequences were focused in order to such as the geomorphological aspects the separation and piling up the stratigraphic units. It was possible to identify the minerology of the most fine sediments with the use os diphatometry X. rays Quartz and feldspar were identif with ilite in the fine sediments and kaolinite in the sandy parto.
The depositional conditions as well as relations contact between the sequences were also discussed. The transitions leve of the sedimentary part to the vulcanic part, happens at about 100m of altitude.
The recents sedimentary sequences are unconsolidate clay and sandy sediments.Downloads
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