How the theory of knowledge influences ethics: the downfall of human supremacy through Schopenhauer’s critique of Kant’s notion of diginity




Knowledge, Understanding, Ethics


Schopenhauer's great innovation in the theory of knowledge is intrinsically related to the moral issue concerning the effective consideration of non-human animals. The role of the intellect is central to Schopenhauer and does not receive the same value in Kant. In this way, Schopenhauer criticizes the Kantian notion of dignity, based on the exaggerated valorization of reason and the notion of autonomy. For Schopenhauer, every being endowed with understanding and will is worthy because it operates intuitively and in accordance with the law of motivation. Those who operate using intuition operate according to motives, a concept that brings Schopenhauer and bioethics theorists such as Richard Ryder and Peter Singer closer to one another. For Singer, the notion of interest is sufficient for us to treat animals with dignity. Thus, the central purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that Schopenhauer’s theory of knowledge - built on his critique of Kant - settles the ethics of relations between humans and non-rational animals.


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Author Biography

Jaqueline Engelmann, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

PhD in Philosophy from PUC-Rio.


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How to Cite

Engelmann, J. (2024). How the theory of knowledge influences ethics: the downfall of human supremacy through Schopenhauer’s critique of Kant’s notion of diginity. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 15(2), e88802.



Ed. Especial Schopenhauer: Sociedade e Cultura