Sobre a relação entre vida e vontade na metafísica da natureza de Schopenhauer




Will, life, metaphysics.


This paper investigates the concept of “will to life” (Wille zum Leben), proposed by Schopenhauer. We intend to understand how this concept is related with other relevant concepts of Schopenhauer's metaphysics of nature. There is an obvious relationship between the notions of “will” and “life” in the thought of this philosopher, but not enough to know this. It's necessary to know specifically how they are related, because, if we don't pay attention to the details, we can easily interpret the will to life in many equivocal ways. According to our interpretation, Schopenhauer defends a concept of will which isn’t restricted to organic and conscious life. This wide meaning of “will” allows Schopenhauer to think the inorganic forces as will of life. However, we can't see the inorganic forces as forms of life. For this reason, we believe it's necessary to understand the will of life isn’t only a conservation impulse or a vitalist principle.


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Author Biography

Fernando de Sá Moreira, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Praná, Cascavel, PR

Mestre em Filosofia pela Unioeste e professor do Departamento de Graduação em Filosofia da mesma Universidade


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How to Cite

Moreira, F. de S. (2011). Sobre a relação entre vida e vontade na metafísica da natureza de Schopenhauer. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 2(2), 44–62.

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