Encounters and dis-encounters between teachers and emergency remote education
Emergency Remote Education, Covid-19, The Work of TeachingAbstract
In mid-March 2020 classroom educational activities were suspended in public and private school systems due to the need for social distancing provoked by the Covid-19 pandemic. For this reason, educational institutions became adept at emergency remote education (ERE). Considering this situation, which is still in progress, this text: 1) presents studies conducted by researchers from various countries in this brief space of time, to understand the suspension of classroom school activities and the continuity of the school calendar via emergency remote education; and 2) to present data from field research conducted with schoolteachers and university professors, in which 321 teachers participated from 14 Brazilian states. By issuing digital questionnaires, the study sought to learn about the experiences, challenges, feelings, and reflections of these teachers and how they conducted remote teaching. Statements expressing discontent and impotence were found in relation to the current teaching conditions, and tremendous anguish related to students’ learning. There are also reports of individual and collective efforts to support pedagogical actions that made the best of Emergency Remote Education
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