Inclusion and Exclusion: Socio-educational Tensions Facing the service to human diversity
Teacher Education, Inclusion and Exclusion, Human DiversityAbstract
This study discusses the theme of tensions concerning school inclusion and exclusion experienced by university professors when they have to mentor their students. Its objective was to understand these tensions about inclusion and exclusion through the process of teacher education. Therefore, the theoretical foundations were sought in Skliar, Lessa and Tonet, Cury, Santos, besides readings of institutional documents such as the Courses Pedagogical Projects (PPCs), the National Guidelines for Teacher Education and the Policy for Inclusive Special Education. The methodology was based on the qualitative approach, in which five (5) situations of everyday school problems, of Basic Education, referring to the learning of elementary school students in the final year were used to collect data. The subjects were University Professors working in five (5) undergraduate courses of a public State University of Paraná. The data constructed at the time of the research, and punctuated in this article, indicate the need to demystify ideas that reinforce the human being categorization. In this sense, we conclude that articulating theoretical education with practical experience in basic school reality allows the tensions created around inclusion and exclusion, due to the confrontation with everyday situations in Basic Education, to boost the view of the academic in training to human diversity at school, in addition to providing guidance in the search for pedagogical alternatives.
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