Reading and writing in digital culture
Digital Culture, Education, Cultural Instruments, UnderstandingAbstract
The essay aims to rethink the impact that digital culture has on reading and writing processes in education, in the light of new technological devices that are strategic to the reproduction of symbolic systems. The debate immersed in the critical theory of society adds to the hermeneutic itinerary to outline the meanings of these digital mechanisms in dialogue with contemporary culture. In digital culture we deal with non-scarce goods ranging from pencil to button and from printed to screen. The problem found here is based on intense expansion of digital technologies, almost an obligation or need to use computer or cell phone screens to study, read, write and act as teachers or students. We face daily the dispute of attention between the form and the digital. However, what worries us is not the use of cultural instruments and, yes, the process of receiving digital text and printed by the subjects. We conclude that digital inclusion opens up comprehensive horizons of the text, with the resurgence of worlds magnified by intersubjective openness, enabling education to reconstruct the vital link with cultural traditions to recontextualize educational practices. Digital or printed texts only receive meanings in the interrelationship, in the creation of metamorphoses, in the linguistic-expressive and social tension of writing that is only carried out in the project of the pedagogical encounter with the other.
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