Teacher training in freire´s perspective: saying the world and learning/teaching the world


  • Silvana Aparecida Pin Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões - URI - Campus de Frederico Westphalen/RS, Brasil
  • Arnaldo Nogaro Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões - URI - Câmpus de Erechim/RS, Brasil
  • Cênio Back Weyh Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões - URI - Câmpus de Santo Ângelo/RS, Brasil




Dialogical education, Paulo Freire, Teacher training


This study aims to reflect on the training of teachers based on the Freire’s conceptions in order to perceive indicatives that can lead the educator to develop a liberating education through transformative praxis. The research was of bibliographical character. The dialogical education and social praxis are highlighted as permanent challenges to the educators who wish to contribute to a world transformation from their practice. Something else that the teachers need for a successful methodology is their own liberation and work in their students’ liberation. For this, they rely on the power of the word, not just the spoken word, but that can be used in many ways, as an essential tool in teaching/learning to say and change the world.



How to Cite

Pin, S. A., Nogaro, A., & Weyh, C. B. (2016). Teacher training in freire´s perspective: saying the world and learning/teaching the world. Education, 41(3), 553–566. https://doi.org/10.5902/1984644417994



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