Education as environmental issues generators from the experience of place


  • Bruna Camila Dotto Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Curriculum, Environmental education, Education


Numerous discussions on different scales are brought up to try to solve the serious problems afflicting sociambientais all mankind. Improper use of natural resources brings with it serious social and environmental problems that affect all segments of society. Education is a tool whose purpose is the invocation and awareness for change, behavior change, and acts of social relations . Environmental education is embedded in different areas of formal and informal learning but is still approached with timidity. Thus, it is necessary that the school curriculum be reconsidered in order to develop pedagogical practices ambientalizadas addressing issues from the local to the student experience. For this, it is proposed that environmental education is crafted as a generator theme in view of Freire's educational approach.

Author Biography

Bruna Camila Dotto, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Graduada no Curso de Geografia - Licenciatura Plena pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). Especialização em Educação Ambiental pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) Mestranda no curso de Geografia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)



How to Cite

Dotto, B. C. (2016). Education as environmental issues generators from the experience of place. Education, 41(3), 631–644.



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