School as a means of training for the applicability of environmental education


  • Clayton Hillig Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Francieli Friedrich Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Márcia Friedrich Faculdade Padrão Unidade III, Goiânia, GO



Environmental Education, Applicability, School


This study was aimed to analyze the importance and development of environmental issues in schools. The theme of Environmental Education was chosen with the intention of analyzing the environmental initiatives undertaken by pupils in their homes and at school where they study. The activity was developed in a public school in Porto Alegre / RS and was the work of three (3) classes of elementary school. For a more detailed analysis on their perceptions and actions wrapped in the environment, a questionnaire was administered to five (5) questions involving his actions at school and in their homes, as well as their knowledge on the subject. With answers and arguments about their environmentally friendly attitudes, we see that actions that contribute to the environment are carried out, but still without a full or a grand interest for certain students. With the critical perception surfacing, we hope to get a better world ahead.


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How to Cite

Hillig, C., Friedrich, F., & Friedrich, M. (2011). School as a means of training for the applicability of environmental education. Monografias Ambientais, 4(4), 647–659.




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