The study of Environmental Education with Pedagogical Practices in schools: a look at the challenges encountered
Interdisciplinarity, Environmental practices, Transversal themesAbstract
The study sought the results of a review with the objective of analyzing the challenges found in the study of Environmental Education with pedagogical practices adopted in schools. For this procedure was based on the collection of secondary data through the selection of 25 documents (scientific articles, academic publications and textbooks). The methodology of exploratory documentary research aiming to relate, analyze and compare the documents found. The adoption of topics as results of the challenges encountered in the study of Environmental Education with pedagogical practices in schools were: teacher training with innovations of pedagogical practices, insertion of interdisciplinarity and transversality, use of Projects without continuity that do not reach the objective of Environmental Education according to the PCNs. The research showed that Environmental Education actions are still incipient in schools and that there is a need for adaptation of school curricullum, as well as the training and continuing education of teachers from different areas.Downloads
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