Profile of visitors Park Barigui, Curitiba, PR
Conservation Units, Environmental Education, TourismAbstract
Environmental education has promoted major changes in the modern world, it happens through of current human being awareness about the changes of perceptions of the planet. This study aimed to evaluate the perception of visitors about the interest for an environmental education program for the Parque Barigui and draw a quick profile of this people, raising points to be improved in the service provided for the visiting public. To evaluate the profile of the visiting public, it was applied to them a questionnaire. One hundred and fifteen visitors participated of the survey, they were interviewed in a random way. The survey was conducted two days a week (Sunday and Wednesday) for three consecutive months, August, September and October of 2010. The questionnaires were tabulated into an Excel program database and analyzed separately. Most respondents were male, single, aged between 21 and 30 years, have a high level of education, work and have formally salary range between 1 and 3 Brazilian local minimum salaries in addition, most of them use cars as a transportation system to reach the park. The reason that takes visitors to the park is the pleasant climate and the possibility closeness with nature. Most believe that the park is for recreation and would recommend to others peoples. Think there is need for other services and the need to increase security. On the necessity of an Environmental Education Center respondents answered that so people would have more awareness about the environment and understand better about preservation. The questionnaire was efficient. This study made it possible to understand the importance of knowing the profile of visitors to parks in order to achieve greater integration of their needs and environment.Downloads
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