Produção de um portal educacional para ensinar e aprender conceitos sobre ambiente e radiações na Educação Básica
Environmental education, Participant Research, Value Theory and PracticeAbstract
This work seeks to check the effects of participation research in the making of a curriculum andpedagogical practices in school environment at Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio Paulo Freire. Thus,the following specific goals are to be analyzed: discuss the concepts of Environment Educationadopted by Brazilian Education managers; describe the historical/social context that contributed forthe school to choose the participation research methodology and to present the view of teachersthat took part in the preparation of the PPP about the effects of the participation research in themaking of the curriculum and the pedagogical practices in Environment Education. The research wasdone using the quality bibliographic method. The investigation showed that that there is a great gapbetween the pedagogical message and the educational practice, as well as what meaningful changesin education need structural and financial support of the managers. On the other hand, someadvances in the every day activities of the school investigated were found, as for example: theunderstanding of the environment education concept as inter-curricular, the understanding of theneed to contribute to the formation of citizenship, the recognition of the importance of knowing thereality of the student, the understanding of the need to contextualize local problems and try to solvethem, the perception of the importance of a teacher becoming a researcher, the highlight of participation methodologies, the evaluation of a descriptive statement and the fact that the subjectshave the same time in the curriculum.Downloads
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