Educação ambiental à distância: capacitação em documentos referência
Environmental Education, Capacitation, Teachers, Law number 9.795/99, ”Carta da Terra“ (Earth letter), Agreement, Sustainable societies, Global responsibilityAbstract
This research aims to develop theoretical and practical for the Enhancement of EnvironmentalEducation (EE) through an experimental program for training of EA at a distance, for teachers,based on the documents refer to legitimize and justify the EA: Law No. 9795/99, the Earth Charterand the Treaty on Environmental Education for Sustainable Societies and Global Responsibility.The methodology used was the exploratory research and applied by carrying out a program ofdistance training, which began in February 2010 with 21 participants from nine Brazilian states andended on May 1 by completing 60 hours. Classes were held in the form of modules and addressedthe guidelines for the virtual environment, the history of EA studies and activities with thereference documents. Readings were taken, reflections, exercises, essay, and participation in thevirtual forum. The tasks promoted association of documents with practices of environmentaleducation. With the participation of teachers (13), technical (04) and specialists (04), nine Brazilianstates. The results showed that the program promoted greater safety in the actions of EA. The program allowed participants to broaden their knowledge and experiences, which contributed to abetter understanding of the construction process of EA. Furthermore, it allowed the recognition ofreference of the EA documents as important teaching tools for the development of practicalactivities of EA, in line with its objectives and principles legitimate.Downloads
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