The disciplinarization of textual production written in brazilian basic education: reflections in teaching work
Education, Text Production, Wording, Teaching WorkAbstract
Many were governmental interventions aimed at producing/provoking transformations in Brazilian Basic Education. This work, however, aims to reflect on a practice established by the initiative of schools and which has been consolidating in a silent way in part of the official prescriptions. This is about the implementation of a discipline called Redação (Writing). This movement is autonomous, but not organic. The creation of a discipline implies thinking about a multiplicity of aspects involved in this process. Thereunto, this work has as starting point exchanges of experiences experienced by professionals of Basic Education. For this reason, the talk produced here is from teacher-researchers to teacher trainers. Furthermore, it seeks to establish, in the light of Sociodiscursive Interactionism and Ergonomics of teaching activity, a link between scientific discourse and teaching practices.
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