With the word, teacher Ruy Jornada Krebs from CEFD at UFSM
CEFD/UFSM, Teacher training, History of Physical Education, Oral HistoryAbstract
The present study aims to disclose an interview with teacher Ruy Jornada Krebs in 1993, when he was still part of the faculty of the Physical Education and Sports Center (CEFD) of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). Through this interview, guided by the theoretical-methodological assumptions of Oral History, was sought to record information about the historical constitution of CEFD/UFSM and the remembrances of Ruy Krebs, one of the institution's pioneer professors. The interview was recorded two decades after he joined the CEFD/UFSM faculty in 1973. By sharing this interview, almost 30 years after it was carried out, we intend to contribute not only to the preservation of CEFD/UFSM memories, but also, with future historical readings on the training of teachers in Physical Education in Brazil.
Keywords: CEFD/UFSM; Teacher training; History of Physical Education; Oral History
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