A visiting German professor testimony at CEFD/UFSM: Jürgen Dieckert
History of Physical Education, Teacher qualification, Oral HistoryAbstract
Given the celebration of 50th anniversary of the establishment of Physical Education and Sports Center (CEFD) of Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), it is necessary to recall events and characters, in order to gather evidence to reflect on the different historical versions about CEFD and the teacher qualification in the Physical Education field offered by the institution over five decades. Among these characters, we refer to Jürgen Alfred Fritz Dieckert, visiting German professor in Human Movement Science Master's course at CEFD, between the years 1980 and 1983. We present an interview, guided by the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Oral History, conducted with Professor Jürgen Dieckert on the period when he served as a visiting professor at CEFD/UFSM. Information regarding CEFD academic community and the concept of Physical Education inherent at the time is highlighted.Downloads
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