Fundamentalism and disability: modern obstination for equality
Normality, Inequalities, InclusionAbstract
Equality is an ideal pursued by Modernity; but the more we defend it, it seems that we are further away from it. Here, the assumption is made that such a departure is connected with a growing adherence to various “types” of fundamentalism. In order to understand the connections between the ideal of equality and contemporary fundamentalism, the relationship between the discourses for equality and disability is approached, focusing on the mechanisms of positivization of inequalities, circulating in basic education schools. The positivization of inequalities is understood to be the practices that mark the presence of people with disabilities and add (de)merits to those who live with them. Enrollment statistics — on the inclusion of people with disabilities in Basic Education schools — and teachers' narratives about pedagogical practices allow us to conclude that fundamentalist discourses support the positivization of inequalities and stigmatize people with disabilities.
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